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Digital Transformation - three main types - three very different paths

1. Customer Experience Enhancement. This is widely understood as the most common place to start. However, to succeed here involves a high degree of trust and the development of "sensors" that allow you to know more about your customers. They will only let you know them better and use that knowledge if you demonstrably make things better for them. Knowing has always been better than guessing

2. Functional Enhancement. This is more difficult but as your customer sensors improve, you will be confronted with getting better. For that, you need to understand how you work now. You will have to develop internal sensors at pain points for your internal customers. You will have to experiment learn and improve your processes and supply chains. Great results come from brilliant approaches expertly deployed

3. Business Transformation. This is profoundly more difficult and usually the result of discovering what you were before your digital transformation journey is no longer as relevant as the new thing you are undergoing metamorphosis to become. It invariably involves the creation of innovative new sensors and new insights that disrupt your previous models and create a new you. The horizon is always 14 Km's in the distance to see further you must walk toward it or find higher ground.

Digital Transformation - three common elements- three common activities


Almost invariably succeeding at "going digital" involves:

  1. Getting better information from developing and using better "sensors" on how and what people are doing, the decisions they are making and the steps they are willing or unwilling to take to reach their goals

  2. Using this information in applications that help them achieve their goals ....through the use of your goods and services

  3. Enabling them to join a community ecosystem that they can make further rewarding connections through that, in turn, encourage the joining of others and the expanded use of your goods or services

Decision Loops

Then it really is the same as it has always been - but with better data:

  1. Using customer experiences and process performance data to continuously improve your predictive modelling 

  2. Making decisions and designing your practices and service deliveries in accordance with the predictions your modelling has suggested will work (If we do this our customers, costs and returns will do this)

  3. Implementing/ piloting and comparing what you thought would happen to what actually happened; adjusting your model, improving your sensors, apps and platform, before going again

Check planned

versus actual

Business Architecture Model
  • We can help you re-think your business model

  • Redesign your processes to get the desired outcome

  • Determine your data needs

  • Work out what your applications need to deliver and make them

  • Provision your people with the knowhow to use your systems 

  • Determine the technology stack your business needs and how to get there.

Business Excellence Architects Ltd - Knowhow Managers

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