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Published works

Over the years we have documented our best practices in Planning, Continuous Improvement and Business Transformation and they are available to purchase as hard copy and ebooks for IOS below

Ordinary to Excellennt Book
Ordinary to Excellent

"As a young man, I bought into the myth that as I got older, I would acquire wisdom and through life experience, I would discover the truth or not of my young man's views, of which I had many. The reality is, as I have gotten older, I have discovered that I know far fewer things with certainty than I ever did as a younger man. Far from being disappointed by this revelation, as I would have been had someone managed to convince me of this earlier in my life, I am delighted with the new freedom this affords me to think for myself......... This book is everything I have come to understand about driving out fear and effecting lasting change. It is not a book about creating change for change sake. It is about creating changes that are improvements in people’s lives and that set them up to continue making improvements to those lives and the lives of us all."  Grant D Ford

Ordinary to Excellent ebook
TurboSigma Six Sigma Book
Business Problem Solving TurboSigma®

TurboSigma® is a continuous process improvement methodology in five stages. It is a  method to fast track the definition and documentation of "as-is" and "to-be/end-state" processes that incorporates a concept referred to as "Wiring Diagrams".  In short a Wiring diagram is a flow diagram of all tasks performed by systems and people and all knowledge that flows between each step to enable this to happen.  Wiring diagrams are in the language of the unit and /or business to facilitate anyone understanding and inputting into their accuracy and into process improvement – they are an analysis tool that accelerate problem recognition and facilitate preemptive problem resolution.

Business Problem Solving eBook
Continuous Planning Book
Continuous Action Planning


A great deal of company time and, therefore, money is invested in many forms of planning. In organizations many forms of thinking about the business are referred to as planning and many different plans come from these various forms of thinking, creating a confusing collection of operational plans, market plans, financial plans, strategic plans, business plans, business unit plans, HR, development,process improvement and quality plans and cascading project plans.

Whereas a process may be followed for the creation of any one of these plans, it is seldom robust , let alone a commonly applied process for the creation and integration of all of these plans into a portfolio programme that can be synergistically acted upon.

 "You must have a plan. It must take into account all the people, process and financial resources needed to deliver the planned outcome and you must be able to recast that plan almost instantly if any key trigger factors tell you that  you must."


Business Problem Solving eBook

An organization is seldom better than it planned but very frequently worse!

Business Excellence Architects Ltd - Knowhow Managers

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