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Ecosystem -wide Knowhow Management

Business Challenge

Knowhow Manager®
Knowhow Manager effectively replaces all business process documentation, with a simple, interactive web interface linking everything you ‘know how to do’ to everything you need to know and use to do it!

BEA helps organizations improve the processes, systems and underlying technology that deliver their core value proposition and power their business model. This means that they have expertise in a number of areas from step change and breakthrough improvement, continuous improvement, best practice and knowledge management (KM), product management and Baldrige Award winning organisational excellence.

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Often when a breakthrough improvement has been achieved or continuous improvement and compliance systems are in place, an organisation loses momentum and rests. The development and sharing of process and procedures can be seen as an ‘after the fact ‘chore and not part of the real-time continuous improvement journey of the company.


BEA wanted to know that the organisation they had helped could now help itself (and potentially others) to even greater heights. To assist in this, BEA knew innovation was needed in making help systems actually helpful, accessible navigable and capable of evolving with the organisations’ agility. So, it turned its root cause analysis skills to the problem and prototyped applications that would change the way businesses mapped and explained how they did what they did, in a useful and engaging way for their value chains and ecosystems.


BEA’s goal was to give every user access to the best practice of their best practitioners as well as a voice in improving that practice. This has been achieved by providing a platform where it is much easier to read, like, comment, flag, capture, evolve and collaborate on the way we work. Essentially KM answers every “how do we….” question in the organisation, immediately, anywhere, 24x7 on any device for any authorised user.

BEA partnered with some leading lights in several verticals and created Knowhow Solutions Ltd to develop KM further. When it came to making an industrial-strength solution, Knowhow Solutions turned to YouDo because of their unrivaled expertise in the technology stack BEA identified as being the future of these solutions.

Knowhow Manager® is a web-based application that can be accessed from any device.  

  • It makes it simple to create instruction people can follow easily. 

  • It intuitively links to any system, document, video or file, or in fact, anything with a URL you think is important for someone to know, but

  • It focuses you on recording what ‘you know how to do’, which leads to an outcome you want to achieve, 'right first time'; every time.


Through KM’s accelerated learning-based deck and card format you write better process and procedures faster and clearer. You receive more targeted feedback to where in your product or service delivery you have an issue and you respond collaboratively or directly, easily and immediately with improvements. KM even date/time stamps and archives your previous versions in an ISO 9000 QA System manner. 

  • The help calls disappear,

  • The productivity increases, and 

  • Employee engagement and energy is refocussed from finding out how to get things done in your organisation, to helping you work out how they could be done better, faster and cheaper.


Knowhow Manager effectively replaces all business process documentation, with a simple, interactive web interface linking everything you ‘know how to do’ to everything you need to know and use to do it!

Business Excellence Architects Ltd - Knowhow Managers

© 2021 by Business Excellence Architects Ltd."Knowhow Managers" All rights reserved

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